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This weeks assignment was to develop a plan for dissemination of our final project.

From the start of this course my aim was to learn from other students totally different background, gain knowledge and share my own skills and areas of expertise back to the community.
That's what Fab Lab spirit is all about :)

Therefore my final project (and remain weekly assignments projects) will be released as is, like a "work in progress" state with no warranty, providing all working files to the community via this webpage so everyone interested could learn and work from it, reproduce, modify, and improve for any purpose.
Copyright is retained and must be preserved.

In matter of income, which was not my fundamental objective to commercialise it at this state, but instead to begin exploring all skills, electronics and fabrication processes.

However one idea was, that the pan and tilt camera structure could be possibly adapted to a more concentrated version, like Neil suggested once, and be open sourced as a custom monitoring/surveilance camera structure device for machine users security (CNC, laser) fabricated from common used parts, materials and resources from fablabs environments around the world?
My project still has to mature for that but its a start!

For this or other creative project developments there's always Creative Commons online web page that "helps you share your knowledge and creativity with the world" where you can identify and adapt a licence suitable to your project interests.

Also when you think you have a project worth to become comercially produced to the wide world and a business plan fitted with the "right staff" to make it happen there's crowdfunding online platforms such as famous Kickstarter or Indiegogo and gather web community individuals to invest ;)