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Interface and application programming:

In this week it was requested to write an application that interfaces with an input or output device.

Once again so many interesting subjects and areas to explore and not so much time to do it :)
Since long time I heard about Processing programming language and visual results that I chose to use the webcam video as an input and later program interactively its output.
From someone with zero knowledge of programming and code, like web html at the beginning, this was another adventure to start with.

Fortunately there is tons of information online, like tutorials and even books to start coding all powered by huge web community like openprocessing.org and this other page funprogramming.org with some very helpfull step-by-step interesting tutorials.

Then took Neil's python code hello.load.45.py file and altered it on Sublime text editor with the help and instructions of fabmaster Ferdi. Here's a "processed pareidolia" example:

You can download this code test:


Here's another processing code written to input the video capture from my web cam pointing inside the kaleidoscope toy and based on the "Mirror 2" example code from Daniel Shiffman:

Later with more time on my hands, I will explore the software deeply more and develop code to use the webcam image capture and transform it directly on Processing by replicate/manipulate the kaleidoscopic visual effect and by that means disposing the physical object (toy).

You can download this image input code file here: