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Electronics design:

This week assignment was requested to redraw the echo_hello-world board adding at least a button and LED, checking the design rules and make it.

To start with, I download free version of the Eagle Cad software developed for design, route and test printed circuit boards PCBs. Next download the specific components libraries needed for this class, unzip it, open the eagle libraries directory on your computer and place all .lbr files here. I followed the always helpfull and clear Providence Fab tutorial on this theme as well as the Jeremy Blum video tutorials on how to start working on Eagle Cad software. On Eagle I started by opening a new project file and click "add" all the component files needed from the library, and wire them in the schematic file session:

Then re-arranged all components disposition on eagle board view and finally run command "drc" for the design rules check inspection. Tuned all traces position needed and hided all layers leaving just the top layer one. Clicked "File_Export_Image" and saved a new PNG file with 700 dpi monochrome. On Gimp applyed a logo mark like in my previous FabISP PCB and saved other PNG file for cut out 1,8mm margin. All set for Modela milling!
Repeating the steps and set up on the MODELA like in the week4 assignment the result PCB after mounting and soldering ended up quite nice.

You can download Eagle files here