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Computer-aided design:

For this assignment it was requested to model,animate and render a possible final project. Due to my professional background as industrial designer im more confortable to model on Solidworks for its user-friendly interface, simple and rapid learning curve and specialy for its parametric solid modeling experience, very suitable to model and edit while developing either a simple (one part) or complex (vary assemblies) project. Also it can produce technical drawings (2D) very easily suitable for industrial production, all of those linked and parametric to the original part files (3D). Its a very powerfull and multi-funtional comercial software used by many large design and engineering companies around the globe. However, on my quest for skills and knowledge, im aiming to learn more about other modeling software alternatives that can complement and alter my project workflow and results. With the help of one of the tutors here at FablabEDP Lisboa, Ferdinand Meier, that introduced us briefly this week to Blender software (open-source) it seemed to me a very interesting modeling software to try out and explore its properties. To this assignment I've decided to model a simple concept form for the final project on Rhinoceros and Grasshopper for its parametric properties and present a rapid render preview using Vray.

After that, I explored the visual idea concept by placing my kaleidoscopic toy on the iphone camera to represent the desired output effect.
Here you can download the "Work In Progress" WIP files: