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My initial idea for final project was quite ambitious due to size, material costs and new areas where my knowledge was close to zero like electronics, programming, image capture and light projection. Beside my efforts to defy the "unknown" to me and willingness to learn, after fab tutors advice, I took on for a concentrated version of the system more close to a pan and tilt camera device than to the primordial aimed project still further to be defined and explored after the academy.

What will it do?

A mechanical pan and tilt camera structure that fits a webcam and a kaleidoscope toy rotating in three possible axis.

Who's done what beforehand?

Around the web there is loads of pan and tilt camera projects more or less evolved in matter of size, materials, costs and performance but I wanted do design and fabricate one mecanism around the techniques, materials and processes learned and explored all trought the fabacademy.

What materials and components will be required?

2/3 unipolar stepper motors (recycled from old domestic printers)
5mm "Perspex" acrylic sheet for all the mechanical parts (for structural and gear system)
Copper sheet and electronic components (Most PCBs fabricated during weekly assignments)
3x 9V battery
1 web cam "Hercules HD Twist"
1 kaleidoscope toy

Where will they come from?

Most electronic components are from the fablab inventory and/or recovered from "electronic junk", perspex acrylic was bought at Mundicril. The webcam used was from Worten and the kaleidoscopic toy was bought already some time ago from ElCorteIngles I guess.

How much will it cost?

I spent 25€ for the acrylic sheets, webcam was about 39€ (it was a slim HD version model), toy was around 10€, plus the electronics will be definitely below one hundred euros.

What parts and systems will be made?

All mechanical components, gears and bearings will be made from a single material: perspex acrylic lasercutted taking advantage of laser's high cutting definition and accuracy to create custom sized power transmitions gears. Using (of course!) press-fit connections such as the MTM snap whenever possible, all electronic PCB boards will be fabricated and mounted here "homemade" ;)

What processes will be used?

2D and 3D Computer-aided design, mechanical design (Solidworks/Rhino), electronics design and production (Eagle/Modela), Lasercutting (Epilog), embedded programming (Arduino/Processing)

What tasks need to be completed?

At this point there is something wrong with the fabduino boards (I made two of them with Ferdi) that seems not working. Got to debug them so I can connect and actuate all motors.

What questions need to be answered?

Will the mechanical parts and assembly be stable and rigid enough to bear all movements? Will the motors drive power sufficient to all rotate smoothly?

What is the schedule?

Im working on the project following the famous "spiral development" hint from refining 3D design and lasercutting parts, assembly tests and debugging electronic boards and components all before 4th July but honestly im struggling between fab academy projects and my soon to be newborn baby boy! Its a time adventure to prepare all needed for my first son, like home renovations and all things a baby and his mother needs. Counting on all important facts im pointing out for the make-up evaluation period (8/20/2014)...so I will do my best!

How will it be evaluated?

The overall ability to design, fabricate, and integrate many of processes and techniques learned along the course into a concentrated materialized result, in this case, the lasercut mechanical parts (gears and bearing) developments and assembly electronics into a conceptual "pan and tilt like" device. Also the "customized" visual image input gathering by the webcam that I wish to further explore deeper in Processing can be take into consideration.