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Fab Academy 2014

img04Custom Electronics!

The day after Neil's lecture, Shawn gave us a really good crash course in basic electronics. Although I took a brief electronics lab as part of college physics, I really needed brushing up, and Shawn gave some great explanations. I was a little late to class, but Peter shared his notes with me on Google Drive, which was a godsend. I really need to remember to start bring the graph paper notebook I bought to class, as I'm still getting hampered by not having pencil and paper to write down ideas and make sketches. A key takeaway from Shawn's mini-lecture was the analogy of circuits as water running through a pipe. I'd heard this before, but it's always good to review the basics since I get confused easily with electronics jargon. Here goes:

Shawn lecturing

Then it was time to start designing our own boards. I started with Neil's board as a reference, but Nikolas and I decided that rather than make a board with a button and LED, we wanted to use all the available pins on our microcontroller to make connections for breakout boards. This way we could design modular boards that could connect and test out various sensors/buttons/LED setups. Although I think it could easily be really frustrating, I like Eagle. I was able to get a board up pretty quickly in schematic view, and then went on to board view to get my traces done. Initially adding the headers for the traces seemed like it was going to necessitate some 0 Ohm resistors to jump over stuff, but I was able to work it out. Here are my takeaway tips:

component location in schematic view
tried to kept the reasonator as close to the microcontroller as possible

traces after adjustment - note the two traces passing through the ISP 1 pad (fixed with finer grid)
The traces up between header 1 and the FTDI are also crossed as an artifact of auto trace.

final traces png

Reran the ERC and DRC (great features), and everything checked out. Got to class a little bit earlier and started milling out my board with Damien. Unfortunately, ubuntu crashed on the modela PC and after a reset I think I was off by 10 mm the first time I set my startx (we were milling together on one sheet of copper), and my first board was ruined. Good opportunity to practice setting the z axis on the modela (had to pull it down more completely to touch the board), and getting pieces cut. The second attempt was much more successful.

milling out the board

Soldering the board this time was a bit more difficult than last week. I initially forgot to put flux on the microcontroller as well, which made that trickier and I was left worried about my connections. However, after getting all the pieces down the fuses checked out and we were able to get a basic arduino program (the 'Blink' intro).

board after stuffing

I didn't have time to mill out a breakout board (although I've got a design started for one with an RGB LED and a button). Shawn had told us that the microcontroller limits current with it's own internal resistors though, so I was able to test the program by just touching a red LED directly to the leads on the header (in this case power and pin 3 in arduinospeak on the microcontroller). It worked!

Took a little while to get it touching just right. Also didn't want to do this too long and risk burning out the LED.