My Fab Academy final project is called Green Brick because is just a first brick of a bigger project for resilient cities that start to developed few years ago during my master in Sustainable Architecture. That first project was an mobile app for Smart Gardening how goal is create a community of conscious citizen that wants to activate wasted urban areas to make them productive.
I found several projects working in the same direction. Open source hardware and software using sensor in agriculture and sharing data to compare experience as well. Those were for me grate inspiration even if not source of code due to the site specific application that I was developing.
The idea to develop a tool for Life cycle assessment of ProdActive Landscape design is not just requiring a Licensing for ethical reasons. That should be enough for me to choose Creative Commons, Share in the same way License. Due to the interdisciplinary character of the project that involve agriculture, energy production from renewable source, wet area landscape design require a Citizen Science approach to reach his goal. Such a big project can't be developed by only one person , but not even one team of specialists, it need infinitives local application data and feed back.
The plan off diffusion of the project will start with a Crowd funding campaign for for both reasons, find money to start and have a direct feedback from external community. The strong aesthetic character of my prototype is due to this, to have a basic attractive element to share and a simply electronics component good for educational projects.
The second step will be create a complete wall system as prototype in the Green fab lab, to test long time working watering system, data storage and analysis, and the possibility to use the vertical system as herbal purification system. Than the data collected will be compared with the ProdActive Landscape computational project and depending on the results will be possible start developing the Open Landscape assessment tool.
I prevent that that plans is going to take 3 years at least.