About Martin Gutmann

Growing up and education

I grew up in the south-east of Austria on a small farm not far from the borders to Hungary and Slovenia. Apart from one year in a school for mechanical engineering in Graz, my early education was in proximity to the farm. The main interest was going out into nature though. This is where I spent most of the time until I moved to Graz again for studying history, which I did for some years, until the realisation that I missed to make things. This made me switch to architecture and in 2012/13 I came to Barcelona for a year, where I got in contact with a Fablab for the first time.

Practical experience

Building has a tradition within my family, helping each other to build too. So from an early age I spent time on buildingsites until 16, when I started to work for a builder in the summer-holidays. Two years later the opportunity to work in industrial maintenance appeared. Until 2015 I had the possibility to work in different sites such as a refinery, paper-factories but mainly in the wood industry in various european countries. Besides that, also personal projects found some space. In all these years my life was a trinity of working, studying and travelling.