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Final project - development

Final project

Weekly projects

   Wk 14        Interface and Applications Programming (May 6)

Write an application that interfaces with an input &/or output device


This week provided an opportunity to bring the electronics and programming to life. In terms of my digital mala wearable, this is where, potentailly, the user would be able to see their mindfulness accomplishment communicated in a simple graphic display on a computer screen.

I explored how I wanted to convey the data.

As mindfulness is connected with awareness, spaciousness, presence and clarity, there is no better metaphor than an open blue sky.
I decided to use a sky blue bakground, and to use a timeline divided into a number of days. However many times the button would be pressed in each day, that data would be translated into a visual representation of moments of mindfulness on screen; whilst also showing the progress of one's mind training.

This is a simple idea.

I thought I was not asking too much of myself. However, as I read tutorials and tried to explore how to do this with my tutors, only then did I realise that this was quite a task for a beginner. Over and over I got stuck. Fortunately I had my tutor and mentor on hand and slowly the idea began to take shape.

Initail sketch illustrating the concept:

graphic of app

The first thing that had to happen to enable the process was to get my board to talk with my laptop via serial port. I used the Hello World board to set this up. Once this was up an running then I had to look at the detail of what I wanted the application to do and in what order. The key to coding, I had been told was breaking everything down into steps, and getting each step to function before moving on to next stage. This avoids serious time-wasting in troubleshooting later on.

Note: I would be using the internal clock on the processor; as I would not need the function of a clock as such, only a means to recognise the number of state changes (on a button) between 2 points in time (this value would be called 1 x 'bucket').


Function of test input code:

• create 5 'buckets to collect input data (to represent 5 days, bucket 1, bucket 2, etc);
• each bucket, for quick test purpose, would span a time interval of 10 seconds each;
from moment serial port is connected (power on), whenever the button on the Hello board is pressed during the subsequent 50 seconds (5 x 10s), the code will count the number of presses and record which bucket interval it occurred within;
• print the value counted for each bucket and print in the console.

                                                          input data

This code arranged the input data and printed it in the console and serial monitor in the following configuration (note, its important to pay attention to baud rate, otherwise character were not readable) :


So the first part of the challenge was accomplished; I had received true data from a real input device communicated through the serial port.


It was now time to try and get an understanding of Processing, the open source software that enabled data to be converted into a visual graphic for screen dispaly  - an inteface between data gathered and the user. I followed many examples to try to understand the basics.

Initial tests were taken up working how to load an image, and position boxes along along the y axis of the window, which would represent time:


Aesthetically, to use the sky concept in the most effective way, I wanted the mindfulness aspect to be 100% blue sky and the non-mindfulness to be duller, greyer, murkier, reflecting non-mindfulness. Therefore, the white-grey boxes would be 100% blue sky and the rest of the sky image would be duller in contrast.

I was now confronted with requiring a level of coding know-how that for me was very advanced; I did not have enough basis to follow many of the coding concepts through. So, I needed a lot of help for the next part, which I gratefully received from my tutors. We began to change the solidity of the boxes (shown on the right below) with the lightness and saturation of the sky (shown below on the left).


However, as you may have noticed, the contrast is too subtle, so I went back to the original image and
increased the contrast and saturation of the image to make 'mindful time' and 'non-mindful time' more impactful:

viz 3

For those interested in the coding, a formula was created for the mindfulness / blue sky part. Two functions were created, named 'window_height = 581'  and 'y-mask'. This now enabled these two aspects to be subtracted from the Buck1 values for each of the 5 days (first 5 vertical strips on left of image above).

I added a title image and added text to describe the data relating to Day 1, Day 2, etc. Ultimately this data would be animated and arise, day by day equi-centrally from the centre white line. That's for another day!

Viz 4

final code for initial tests

final test code

final code for initial tests

final code for initial tests

Button_count test code

Click here to download the Mindfulness Days code (Processing)

Background image for the app