Week 18

Project Development

assignment purpose

The weekly assignment focuses on the tracking the progress and development of my final project during the this six months of class and laboratory of Fab Academy 2015.

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

Mechanical - I managed to reduce the cost of the mechanical part without lowering the level of the robot: I optimized and printed the mechanical components using half of the material that I had previously planned, I reduced the size of the wheels and the supports for the board are smaller. You will be able to use the wheels in a track system, this will be possible by adding belts. I preferred, for now, to limit the movement of the robot on wheels. the mechanical system and the support of the boards is complete in all its parts, however, must be installed on the shell that I made during the assignment of the composite. Also the tower is ready to be positioned and calibrated.

Electronics - Main board and a Shield are ready and working. I have to wire up the whole system adequately, right now I have too many "flying" wire. I decided to buy the Raspberry Pi 2 to be able to easily use the camera the connection to the route to control the robot online. I'm waiting for the arrival of logic converted (I could do it myself, but it was not economically advantageous and I would have lost the time to dedicate to the project).

Programming - I'm ready with Python script GUI and Arduino IDE. I installed the operating system (Raspbian)on the raspbarry Pi SD Card, I did an basic HTML page for the interface and I found many forums that will help me to completion of the programming process.

what has worked? what hasn't?

Mechanical - Wheels and turret are ready and working. The shell is deformed, I have to find a way to level it, otherwise I have not traction wheel.

Electronics - The main board has two pins that don't work adequately, I tried to solder again, but don't function. I will have to use two jumpers to resolve the situation. Everything else works adequately

Programming - Fully functional, I did many tests for checking.

what questions need to be resolved?

How do I synchronize the two dc motors, it is really necessary for a robot must be able to make small movements?

How do I synchronize the latencies between the video transmission and controls for a better user experience?

If I will use an html page to send the video streaming and another page html (with a "form" that uses "post" method) to send at python script the robots commands, how can I integrate the two on a single page html?

what will happen when?

Next week I will concentrate in the robot mounting and wiring. When everything will be in order it can be controlled remotely using a web interface. Computer, tablet or smartphone: you can use multiple devices. I imagine roll.e anywhere and used for recreation, work, research and education.

what have you learned?

I learned many things: I am an architect and until now I had never designed something similar, studying both the part of the design and mechanical, but especially the part of electronic and programming; I have acquired the necessary knowledge to control and do what I want and when I want it, I learned to understand circuits, processor, and design and realize my own boards, program it and make it works; probably for an experienced person this is normal, but for me it means to open a new world of possibilities. I want to continue to deepen these studies to improve myself.

documentation during development

The documentation has been fully detailed on the Final Project page.

demand- vs supply-side time management

Fortunately I decided (with the help of tutors) to take a few assignments directly to advance my final project; in this way I was able to follow my work table. Except some small problems, but there are always those, I'm completing the project with a good rhythm. If my calculations are right I have two days to test and improve the entire system. The only problem that may occur is with the video and the cam will be connect to the Raspberry Pi, but I found written in an forum excellent comments of a free software for the video in the repository of ubuntu.

spiral development

The prototype of Roll.e consists in a shell (2 parts), inside accommodates a Raspberry Pi 2 connected to a router and (via a logic converter) to fabkit and his shield. Connected to the shield there are power supply, two dc motors and two servo. The servos and the cam are part of a "turret" on the top of the shell. the two dc motors are anchored to two gear motors that allow the movement.

The robot is controllable using a web interface and designed for a script of python. raspberry Pi 2 read the controls and send them to the main board and the shiel to control the tower and robot. the video is trasmitted by cam, via rasp berry board, to web page intended.

Final project slide and the video



Copyright © 2015, Marco Sanalitro