17. Invention, IP and business

"develop a plan for dissemination of your final project"
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creative commons

Creative commons website

The Creative Commons organisation (wikipedia link) was established to make it easier for people to share their ideas, knowledge, designs, inventions with others - under your own terms. For instance, you might want another person to use your design, but prevent a company to make money off of it. In that case, a creative commons license can help.
Their mission:

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.
On their website, you can get help choosing a license that fits your project. You click on a few options. For instance, do you allow others to use your work? At the end, you are presented with a license that fits your choices the best and it gives you some html which you can include on your website, such as this:
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons-Licentie" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" />:</a><br />Dit werk valt onder een <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationaal-licentie</a>.
Which yields:
Creative Commons-Licentie
Dit werk valt onder een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationaal-licentie.


A project like this at this stage is really an idea. There is no proof of any market, nor is there any real sense of what it would require to produce & distribute.
Crowdfunding (or more accurately: fanfunding & marketing research platform) Kickstarter is a good way to test viability of a project and get valuable potential customer response. And yes, getting funded certainly helps.
Still, I think doing a Kickstarter for this project would be too soon. My feeling is the product needs a bit more development first. What I would do in this case, is produce a small series of prototypes, e.g. 10 pieces. I'd find a group of people who would like to try it for a period of time an record their response. I'd use that to decide:

  1. Is this a product that people are interested in, and if so, what about the idea do they like and dislike?
  2. How large of a potential market could this idea represent? (rule of thumb: divide the answer by 100)
  3. What minimum viable prototype do I need to produce in order to launch a viable Kickstarter campaign?
  4. Scout for a small development team (especially electrical engineering, product design and hardware programming)
  5. Make a good storytelling video for the website and the Kickstarter campaing
  6. Launch Kickstarter campaign
If the Kickstarter campaign is succesful, I would be in favour of developing the product in an open-source way., allowing others, the community, our fans, competitors to contribute to the development of the platform, thus increasing its relevance and presence. In m¥ mind, that generates a fertile playing ground that many can profit from, first of all our customers who we serve.

Budget and timing

To get this off the ground, I would take a period of 2 months to get the project to a stage where we could do take a greenlight decision on running the Kickstarter campaign. In that period, I'd seek help from the 3 people mentioned above to develop a viable prototype. THis would all have to be bootstrapped. A method that some startups use to divide shares in an idea among supporters / founders is Slicing Pie. When there is a green light on the Kickstarter campaign, we need some funding for:

Total: ± €750-2000

Thoughts on open knowledge

I strongly believe that in order to continue to develop our world and be resilient to challenges and adaptive to changing circumstances in our world, we need an open, collaborative and constructive creative exchange and availability of ideas, knowledge, technology and resources. Only in a joint effort can we create a world that is liveable for all and provides quality of life.
Life is about wonder, curiosity, exploration, expression, creation and care.

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