This week unfortunatly we didn't received the endMills so I practiced using the ones we had in order to get ride off the bad ones.
I used the following the Andy one:
For this one the end mill was really dead:
The following one Z value was too small:
So on this one I just redo it using a bigger value for the Z but the result was not so good, if look at the result using a microscope: the milling was really bad....
The week after with the new endmill
The result is much better with new endmill, now I just have to adjust parameters like offset and overlap.
Offset : 4
Overlap : 0.33
when you clic on make path, some small part of copper are still here ( see picture in red )
Offset : 5
Overlap : 0.4
Still some copper line
To ensure that all the unwanted copper part will be removed, I set the offset to -1
Offset : -1
Overlap : 0.5
What did I learn:
- Without good endmill tool you can't do anything good.
- to produce good board with fabmodule the original PNG file should have a good resolution: min:600DPI
- to preverse your endmill you have to adapt Depth and Speed depending of the diameter of the tool:
I used : for 0.3 mm tool: cut depht : 0.05 to 0.07 even if I have to redo the job one time.
speed 2mm/s
number of offsets : 4 is great, but if you want to make a cleaned board -1 is good but will take more time.
I prepared all the componants on a paper using double sided tape.
I also fixed the board on a piece of pcb which make soldering easier.
For this part I just followed the tutorial
make clean
make hex
make fuse.
make fuse.
then I just have to remove the 2 jumpers and prepare the 6Pins connector.
this ending this section, there is no files to share as I just picked up the existing ones and followed the instruction of the tutorial.
I'm looking forward to create and program my own circuits....