


The Photogrammetric Fab Scanner is a cylindrical closed box of diameter 50 cm.

The process that I was aiming to automize inside this box was a realization of a photographic session using the photogrammetric technique. This would produce the images necessary for the creation of a 3D model complete with texture.

The original idea was to rotate the article to be scanned on itself, rather than rotate the photographic camera around the article and produce the necessary photographs in definite and difference functional positions for the development of the model.

The photographs will then be united using a specific photogrammetric software program.

The Photogrammetric Fab Scanner consists of 3 different parts that work in a direct relationship :

- A - The Light Box

- B - The Motorized Stepper Dish

- C - The Motorized Camera Curved Rail

- A - The Light Box
- B - The Motorized Stepper Dish
- C - The Motorized Camera Curved Rail

The object to scan will be positioned on the rotating dish.

When the back doors of the scanner are locked down, the process commences:

--> The LED lights are on, the photographic camera will take a picture at every 15° angle of the rotation support (24 photos).

--> Once the 360° rotation has been completed, the camera moves in the new position, and the "rotation / shooting" process starts again.

--> The radial movement increases after each 45°.

--> The complete process consists of 4 different positions along the camera rail from the top part to the low part : +90° (just 1 photo is required) / +45°/ 0°/ -45°

--> Each one corresponds to a 360° rotation dish and a set of 24 photos. For a total of : 73 photos