Fab Academy

Computer Aided Design


In this assignment I had to design 3D and 2D formates. google sketch Up is 3D modeling software that's easy to learn
and incredibly fun. Unfortunately I formatted the system so I do not have sketch up 3D design files for this bullock cart.
But I made another 3D design in antimony for composites week.
Please refer to this week for the design
and their file.

I chose Antimony for 3D design. Antimony is a computer-aided design (CAD) tool from a parallel universe.
To download Qt installer need confirm weither the system is 32 bit or 64 bit. I did not know about system bits on Im using. So refere
it from google and got the command in terminal to know system bit.
uname -i
file /sbin/init

So I got my system is running on 32 bit I downolad Qt for 32 bit system
I have design Bullock cart in both formates.But in small scale of measurments. I used inkscape to make 2D design.
Inkscape is a free and open source scallable vector graphics editor that is available for all platforms.

I have design Bullock cart in both formates. But in small scale of measurments. I used inkscape to make 2D design.
Inkscape is a free and open source scallable vector graphics editor that is available for all platforms.
In Inkscape I have design Bullock cart in press fit assebmlly. It was very tough to design.Because you have to check
strock style , strock. I was always miss it. So i was doing it wrong some time. But finally I did it.

First time I have used this both software. While designing in 3D it was very complicated to deal with 3-Axis. It was
very intresting.I found deficulties and had mistakes but I tried my best. I will get perfect doing practice.

Download 2D SVG Design files