Now programming done by using arduino board. As I have to program for LDR and to take output for relay to operate at output side. So That was
so easy this time. I had to just set one output pin. That gives signl to operat output device. So I wrote program for that. tested it on hallo
world board previously I had fabricate and program in embedded programing.
This program sences a light and gives output HIGH at Port A. This will further gives to relay circuit to operate relay. So I upload program
in micro controller board I had design for output device.
So I made connection by wires. This leads to bulky device. I write program for Attiny. I just add Relay with externally providing
5V Dc supply to it. I got the relay to be tripped as output. Here is the programming Download Output Device files
for my output device
What it does?
As per programming when light is fall on sensor resistance increases on reset pin this will put output pin high
That mean it gives high on input pin and ALU checks the condition that if Input is high, PA3 become high at the
output. Otherwise it kept low.
What protocol it uses?
I uesd wired protocol to communicat with to processor. Once Port pin is high, that connected to ftdi pin connector
to connect further processor.
I also tried with the wireless using sensors but it was not work.
What you learned?
I learnt about microcontroller.Im so happy because of this. Really I got cleared about microcontroler
Firsly I learnt to read Datasheet
Second thing understood the PORTs of ICs. I am totally avaire of it
Third and most important I learnt the concept of microtroller and its working
Hence I completed this assignment sucessfully.