Jason (Tse-Kang) Wang
How to make (almost) anythingthing.

Week 17

invention, intellectual property, and income (May 27)

For my final project: Digital Marionette Quadropod, I planned to use Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International since the begining.

The reason is simple, for me, instead of a robot, this projct is more about an idea. To see if the introducing of technology to ancient form of performance can add new souce to each other.

For this reason, I would like to see actual marionette performer use the idead in their performance.

After the course finish, I will work with a friend who perform marionette as a hobby to eleberate my final project. Especially the look of the quadropod, I designed it to have four leg because the majority of marionette puppet have four limbs. It will be able be transformed into different puppet relatively easy.

With his help, I hope to perform marionette with my final project. If the result is good enough, other performers might adopt the idea into their performance and spread the idea.