Final Project No.5
Demo and Feedback

This section is introduce my machine and feedback for next project.


Below figure is My Final Project "Robotic Cameraman".

We can put smartphone camera on the top of it.

If We turn on the power supply, Robotic Cameraman detect switch position, and decide speed of Left and Right Tire.

Start movement, and stop following length switch position.

This is Demo movie that is taken by Robotic Cameraman.


In this project, There are reflection points.

Heavy body and weak movement

I want to make something big in Final Project. So I made it using big CNC machine.

But I choose toy gearboxes and motors. It isn't enough for this robot.

I should havd calculated mass of robot, and check the spec of motor and gearbox.

And I should have chosen more big motor and gearbox.

ATtiny44 was Not enough choice

I chose ATtiny44 for micro computer. Because it has a lot of IO port.

But, in fact, These was limits.

For example, PWM output can't use servo function when I want use with another PWM output.

And Analog input characteristics is different each other pins.

Not enough risk management

I faced many troubles. I should have prepared these risk, and done tasks more fast.


In this project and all of assignment of Fab Academy, I got many many skills, found good facts, and some mistake and some reflection points.

I want to charange more project, and take advantage of the experience!!