{ Fab Academy 2015 : Koichi Shiraishi }

{ Home } { Final project } { Class } { Fab Academy }

- Week 15: Applications and Implications -

Modification of my site

Weekly Assignment

propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered:

what will it do?

I will make "desktop documentation(sccanning) bot."
It loos like “adjustable lamp.” It will record all actions.

who's done what beforehand?


what materials and components will be required?

material Units Price(JPY)
Acrylic boards 5 5000
Bearings 10 1000
Shafts 10 500
Epoxy resin 1 2000
jute 1 1000
components Unit Price Quantity Price
Servo motor 18 2 9
Camera device 20 1 20
AT mega 3.7 1 3.7
AC adaptor 4 1 4
board(FA1) 6 2 3
Rresonator 1 1 1
capacitor - - -
resonator - - -
LED 10 5 2
regulator 1 1 1
switch 2 2 1
botton - - -
wire 5 - -
conector 5 - -

where will they come from?

Parts to make this project are choosen from fablab inventory as much as I can.I already have some parts.
These will be bought from "disikye", "amazon", "monotaro" and "hazaiya"

how much will it cost?

Total costs is about $170(¥20,400).

what parts and systems will be made?

what processes will be used?

Adjustable arm

light hood and diffusor and pedestal Camera(array) and light array circuit / Servo motor control circuit

what tasks need to be completed?

  1. Mechanical design and makeing of the adjustable arm
  2. Circuit design and making (Camera and light array circuit/Servo motor control circuit)
  3. Coding software for the arm(servo control)
  4. Coding software for the camera
  5. >recoding carrent situation
    >object recognition

what questions need to be answered?

  1. Is the automatic documentation useful?
  2. What kind of documentation method is most suitable?

what is the schedule?

how will it be evaluated?

User experiments.
by members in Fablab Kitakagaya and students in Kyoto University.