{ Fab Academy 2015 : Koichi Shiraishi }

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- Week 07: Embedded Programming -

Weekly Assignment

0: Read a data sheet

As start of this week, I check a data sheet of Atmel processor.

1: Installing hardware support

I installed ATtiny support file according to “High-low tech” site.
I am using Arduino IDE 1.6.1. I downloaded the “For Arduino 1.6: ide-1.6.x.zip”, as I moved the directory to "~/ Document/ Arduino"

It is necessary to change the folder name. "attiny-ide-1.6.x" to "hardware"

After rebooting the software, it apply to change.

2: Setting hardware configuration

I set the hardware configuration.
I clicked tool tab, and choose

I burn boot loader by AVRISP mk2, because my FabISP does not operate smoothly.
I set programmer.

After setting, I burned boot loader.

3: Coding and writing

I wrote a code by C. I modify the code based on the arduino sample.
After then, I check the code. I Clicked compile. If it has problem, the app return a error.

As I succeeded compile, I burned the code to the machine.

5: Check behavior

void setup() { pinMode(3,INPUT) ; pinMode(7,OUTPUT) ; } void loop() { if (digitalRead(3) == HIGH) { digitalWrite(7,LOW) ; } else { digitalWrite(7,HIGH) ; } }
int inPin=0;//input number int outPin=13;//output number int pinData=1;//swich syokijyoutai boolean led=false; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode (inPin,INPUT); pinMode (outPin,OUTPUT); } void loop() { Serial.println (pinData); if (digitalRead(inPin)==HIGH){ pinData*=-1; }else{ pinData*=0; } if (pinData==1){ (led=true); } else{ (led=false); } if(led==true){ digitalWrite(outPin,LOW); }else{ digitalWrite(outPin,HIGH); } delay(200); }