I used 123D Catch on iPad to capture a head of an attractive male.
You may download the model Adam.stl
I imported the .stl file to MeshMixer for post processing. First I removed the wanted parts in the model and left only the front of the head. I created a solid plane as its base and scale it to 86 x 54 mm. Then attached the head to it as much as possible.
Since the model looked really different from what I wanted, I used lots of sculpt tools to get a better one.
You may download the processed model Adam.mix (Interestingly the modified file is much smaller, as many details are removed.)
I used CNC to engrave the face model. I used epoxy tooling board for my work because it was smoother than wood, which made a better mold.
Because it was a 3D model, I took a rough cut and a fine cut separately with different blades to make it a fine work in a satisfying time. I used a 6mm ball blade for rough cut and 1mm ball blade for fine cut. It took around 4 hours in total, configured as following:
Because there were screws on the corners of the tool wood to fix it on CNC machine, I was not able to get rid of the edges and I got a face that sank in the wood. What I did next was to remove the edges with line saw. Then it looked perfect.
First, I made a negative mold. I used legos to compose a cube container, put it the face model, and filled in silicone. The portion was 10:1 and I used about 220g in total by fine calculation. Silicone was very sticky and it blended in much air when pooling. Therefore I made the air float up in vacuum. It took more than 10 minutes to get rid of most of the air.
Then I put it in an oven and baked it at 80 Celsius degree for 2 hours. Voila.
I did not use any isolator or cream because my model was rather smooth (no steep convex). It was quite easy to decompose it.
During the time it was in the oven, I was preparing soap. I chopped it into pieces and heated it till it became liquid. I also added some fragrance and ink. I pour the soap into the silicone mold. I filled it very full because soap shrank when it got cold. In some cases, I might have to refill it later, but this time it was fine. Then I put the mold in a box to isolate it from water and put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Afterwards remove it from the mold. Voila.