Homework assignment

Principles and practices

Make a website

Site should house all Fab Academy documentation and describe: NOTE: No PHP allowed. HTML and Javascript only. See examples from 2014 year.

Final Projects

Look at prior years to get a feel. Pick and "sketch" your final project (the project may change as you go through the course). By "sketch" you can draw, use pictures, etc - but at bare minimum describe with text.

Project management

After you've made your website, you need to get it into the 2015 class archive.


With Hg (Mercurial) it's practice, practice, practice! It takes a while to get the "flow". Don't get discouraged! You can master it! Read over the Fab Academy Handbook, particularly the student responsibilities section.


I used Brackets.io to create my site. First version of site was made from example ("Getting started" page of Brackets). If you working with Ubuntu - you may use this PPA.
To add repository and install Brackets using Linux terminal use

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/brackets
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install brackets

Then I decided to make a header and footer - the same for each page. Instead of using Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V I found a way how to include html files using jQuery load function. I copied JavaScript file to my folder and used such code from StackOverflow:

    <script src="jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> 

     <div id="includedContent"></div>
<p> This is my include file </p>

I didn't know how to insert HTML code to <code> tag because browser hide all tags so I replace all brackets "<" with "& lt;" (without space). Also I installed spell-checker for Brackets using Extension manager in menu "File".


Anna updated tutorials here. I installed Mercurial using tutorial for Ubuntu. In my opinion it's unnessesary to use "sudo" because all operations were made in home folder. Also I installed TortoiseHG using command "sudo apt-get install thg" to use graphical representation of modifications and changes.