measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you've designed and read it
For this assignment Ι tried to design and build an arduino Leonardo that is based to "Fab Leo" that developed by Jonathan Grinham. components:
32U4 processor
2 female Headers 8 positions
6pos header male
4pos header male
usb connector
16 MHz Crystal
Fab Leo
Although I got green light from the AVR I didn't manage to program my Fabduino leonardo. I tried to fix some soldering issues that i had, but I still had problems in burning the bootloader.
As i couldn't do my fabduino to work right I decided to design and build a temperature sensor too. It is based on the "hello.temp.45" with an extra LED that is blinking in different ways according to the temperature levels. Ι have programmed it so t he LED turns off when the temperature is lower or equal to 15 degrees Celsius and to light up when it is between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius. In any other case the (>30) the LED blinks
/Check the connections with the multimeter to make sure that power and ground are not connected and the connections are well done
/The NTC sensor sends an electrical signal to the processor. You need to convert the voltage to Celcius degrees
Temperature values:
NTC temperature sensor