Electronic Production

This assignment is about to make the FabISP in-circuit programmer. The FabISP is an in-system programmer for AVR microcontrollers. That allows you to program the microcontrollers on other boards using a USB cable and 6-pin IDC to 6-pin IDC cable. We will be using these programmers through the semester to program the other boards we create


Roland Modela MDX-20 1/64" (engravement) and 1/32" (cutting) endmills. Doble sided tape Screwdriver/p>

Download the milling files of hello.ISP.44 here:




//Milling the board

For milling the board we are using the Roland Modela MDX-20 and the Fab Modules

/Make sure you have a sacrificial board underneath the board that you are milling

/Glue the board in the milling machine with double sided tape to keep the model from moving in the milling machine and loosing the 0,0 poin

/Power on Modela machine and press the “View Button” to set the default 0,0 position

/Set up the 1/64 n-mill with the set screws on the machine,as close to the copper as possible without touching it, by keeping the down button pressed.To mill out the traces of a circuit board we usually need 1/64" n-mill

/Open Fab Modules on terminal

/On the new window select the endmill settings as 1/64".

/Set the x,y 0,0 at the bottom-left corner by changing the values in the Fab module window

/Set the z origin:Loosen the set screws and push the bit all the way onto the copper. Tighten the screws

/Set offset of 6

/Click on the “load button” and select your file(hello.ISP.44.traces.png)

/Click on the “make path button”.

/Click "make RML"

/Click "send"

/For cutting the board we usually need 1/32th n-mill

/Change the drill tool to the 1/32" on the Mondela

/Select the endmill settings as 1/32"

/Set the z origin:Loosen the set screws and push the bit all the way onto the copper. Tighten the screws

/Set offset of 2

/Click on the “load button” and select your file(hello.ISP.44.interior.png)

/Click on the “make path button”

/Click "make RML"

/Click "send"

/Click "begin milling"

//Soldering the board

/Fab ISP board components:

PCB, copper plate

ATiny44 micro controller

Resistors| 2x 0.0 Ohm ,1x 1K,1x 10K,1x 499 Ohm,2x 100 Ohms

Capacitors| 1x 1uF,2x 10pF

Cristal 20MHz

USB connector

6 Pin conn male

Diodes| 2x 3.3 V Zener

Download the FabISP labeled board diagram

so that you can see where to place the components on the board

/Solder the components to the board using a soldering iron and solder


|It is helpful if you solder the components ftom inside to the outside, starting with the microcontroler

|There is a little circle on the microcontroler that should be facing to the top left if your board is oriented in the same direction as the FabISP labeled board diagram

, where the VCC is

|Crystal(20 MHz) do not have polarity, orientation does not matter.

|Diodes have polarity. The "C" or cathode that is marked on the diagram, is marked with a tiny line on the component

|Resistors(R1, R2, etc) and capasitors(C1, C2, etc) do not have polarity, orientation does not matter

|The components marked as SJ1 and SJ2 are solder jumpers. Solder 0 ohm resistors at these points

|The orientation in the 6 pin header(J1 ISP) does not matter

//Check the connections with the multimeter to make sure that power and ground are not connected and there is not a short on the power line.

//Do the "smoke test". Plug the FabISP into your computer via the mini USB cable. Install the necessary software for AVR programming

//Programming the ATtiny44(make hex, make fuse, make program)

//Unplug the programming cable, remove power, and desolder the jumper SJ2

//Using the FabISP to program other microcontrollers