
Fab Academy 2014,
Masato Takemura

Weekly Assingments

Class8: Embadded programming
March 19th,2014


This week I've learned how to program ATtiny44 !!
And my enviroment is OSX10.7, MacBookPro.


This week's assignment is to program the electronics curcuit board echo hello world board.

1.Arduino IDE

First I tried to program with Arduino IDE. I reffer to High-Low Tech. I installed Arduino10.5 on OSX10.7. Then I download ATtiny from Above. I unzip it and I placed "attyiny" folder to User/Documents/Arduino/hardware. It allow us to use ATtyny44 board on Arduino IDE like below, the files contains informations about specific chips.
Then I selected Boards "Tools/Boards/ATtiny44" on ArduinoIDE

fig.1 add ATtiny44 boad selection

I checked "attiny/variants/tiny14/pins_arduino.h"

fig.2 information about corresponding between Arduino IDE and pins on the selected board

I tried to program the target board via FabISP I made. But It didn't work so I used AVRISP mkII. So I selected "AVRISP mkII" from Tools/Programmer. I shold select USBtinyISP when I use FabISP.

fig.3 selection of Programmer I use

Next it's time to write codes. I loaded exsample code "01Basics/BLINK" and changed Pin No.13 to 6.

fig.4 Window of ArduinoIDE and code

After that, I burned bootloader by selecting [Tools]-[burn Bootloader]. And I pushed [Upload] button on GUI.

fig.5 connection

fig.6 Light LED when I push button

2.AVR Studio

Second I used AVR Studio. It is a software only for Windows. So I used Windows8

AVR Studio is only for Windows OS. So I used windows 8.
I opend New project.

fig.7 GUI of AVR Studio

And selected ATtiny44 chip.




  1. ATtiny44A datasheet
