
Fab Academy 2014,
Masato Takemura

Weekly Assingments

Class16: applications and implications
May 21th,2014


This week's assignment is "plan and document a final project that integrates the range of units covered:".

1. description

Talk about my presentation.

>what will it do?

My final presentation is online vending machine. It provide us a way of convinience update to online auction.

>who's done what beforehand?

It's similar to FabScan or zeus

>what materials and components will be required?

I need some electronic devices below
1. camera(module or web cam)
2. computer(Raspberry Pi)
3. stepper motor
4. LED light
5. And I use MDF for the body. Mainly the thickness is 5.5mm

>where will they come from?

I can prepare them by online shop

>how much will it cost?

1. camera(module or web cam) -> $30.0
2. computer(Raspberry Pi) -> $40.0
3. stepper motor -> $10.0
4. LED light -> $20.0

>what parts and systems will be made?

I'll make rotary table. And make system that take pictures and upload them to online.

>what processes will be used?
in Final ProjectProcesses
making CaseCAD
stepper motor driverelectronics
embedded programming
axis of rotaly table3D and print
systemapplication programming

>what tasks need to be completed?

1.making case
2.making stepper motor driver 3.rotate stepper motor from RaspberryPi 4.take a picture and save it in RaspberryPi system in RaspberryPi 6.make web page for showing picture as 360 view

>what questions need to be answered?

How to upload pictures. What is the better way?

>what is the schedule?

day1:connect camera to RaspberryPi and make program to save pictures in local
day2:make rotaly table
day3:make LED light and driver
day4:redesign and remake case again for some fix
day5:build web server in RaspberryPi
day6:debug system day7:debug system day8:Final presentation!

>how will it be evaluated?

Take pictures from 360degree direction. And Upload them in local server. We can see the panorama view by web browser.

  1. Annie Lywood's archive
  2. good example of documentation!