Fab Academy 2014,
Masato Takemura
Weekly Assingments
Class16: applications and implications
May 21th,2014
This week's assignment is "plan and document a final project that integrates the range of units covered:".1. description
Talk about my presentation.
>what will it do?
My final presentation is online vending machine. It provide us a way of convinience update to online auction.
>who's done what beforehand?It's similar to FabScan or zeus
>what materials and components will be required?
I need some electronic devices below
1. camera(module or web cam)
2. computer(Raspberry Pi)
3. stepper motor
4. LED light
5. And I use MDF for the body. Mainly the thickness is 5.5mm
I can prepare them by online shop
>how much will it cost?
1. camera(module or web cam) -> $30.0
2. computer(Raspberry Pi) -> $40.0
3. stepper motor -> $10.0
4. LED light -> $20.0
I'll make rotary table. And make system that take pictures and upload them to online.
>what processes will be used?in Final Project | Processes |
making Case | CAD cutting |
stepper motor driver | electronics embedded programming |
axis of rotaly table | 3D and print |
system | application programming |
>what tasks need to be completed?
1.making case
2.making stepper motor driver
3.rotate stepper motor from RaspberryPi
4.take a picture and save it in RaspberryPi
5.build system in RaspberryPi
6.make web page for showing picture as 360 view
How to upload pictures. What is the better way?
>what is the schedule?
day1:connect camera to RaspberryPi and make program to save pictures in local
day2:make rotaly table
day3:make LED light and driver
day4:redesign and remake case again for some fix
day5:build web server in RaspberryPi
day6:debug system
day7:debug system
day8:Final presentation!
Take pictures from 360degree direction. And Upload them in local server. We can see the panorama view by web browser.
- Annie Lywood's archive good example of documentation! http://www.fabacademy.org/archives/2014/students/lynwood.annie/week16/index.html