
Fab Academy 2014,
Masato Takemura

Weekly Assingments

Class15: Application Programming
May 14th,2014


I lerned about application and programming.


This week's assignment is "write an application that interfaces with an input and/or output device".

1. description

My plan of this week's assignment is to control stepper motor from PC. I use ArduinoIDE to program stepper motor driver. And use Processing to PC side programming. PC send serial command that determine the direction and amount of rotation

fig.1 window of processing

GUI I made for control stepper motor is just simple. Drag the circle to the direction which you want to rotate stapper motor. While you drag the circle, the motor continue to rotate.

fig.2 GUI that I made

2. Code

*code for stepper motor driver is here(MotorControl_v01.pde)
*code of Processing is here(stepper2.ino)