Who am I? I graduated from Dartmouth College over 20 years ago with degrees in computer science and economics. That got me into the software industry where I've held just about every role in a software business...engineering manager, product manager, sales manager, support manager and marketing manager. I've worked at startups (Wildfire, MarketSoft, NetGenesis, etc) and I've worked at major corporations (Apple and Intuit). Eventually I got my ultimate job, Business Leader, which meant I was responsible for a multi-million dollar product and it's success in the market.  Eventually I started to burn out (some have said I ended up having a mild mid-life crisis).  That lead me to try a new carreer...in education.

Over the last four years I've been working at Fay School.  When I started at Fay, my title was Director of Technology, which meant it was my job to build out the technology infrastructure and to modernize the tools and technology used throughout the school.  After a few years of that, I gradually started to look at ways to change the classrooms and things we teach.  That led to our creation of the Fay Innovation Lab.  We re-purposed three classrooms...

"design room" where all furniture is on wheels and the walls are covered in Idea Paint and green screen paint.
Fay Design Lab Fay Design Lab - Picture 2
"maker room" where students construct things
 Fay Maker LabFay Maker Lab - Picture
"fab lab" where students have access to 3D printer, 3D scanner, 3D milling machine and laser cutter.
Fay Fab Lab-
              Picture 1Fay Fab Lab- Picture 2

We opened the design and maker room in January 2013.  The Fab Lab room was opened in September, 2013 - thanks to the generosity of our school's parent's association.  While the learning curve has been steep, I've been able to make some fun things.  Some specific projects that I'm most proud of are:

The Vocabulator.  This was the idea of our English Department Chairman, Paul Abeln.  He wanted a way to teach children about word roots.  Over a few months we designed, built and programmed the Vocabulator.  At the root of the tree it shows a root (for example, "alt / lev") and the branches of the tree show related words (e.g. altitude, levitate, etc). 
              InsidesFay Vocabulator Frontal
Jeep iPhone holder.  This is personal.  I own a jeep wrangler.  I use my iPhone and Google Maps for directions.  I put it in the change holder, but it falls all over the place- especially when I make tight turns.  To fix this, I realized I could mount something that would hang in the change holder off the dashboard.  And so the project began and after about 15 "drafts" I finally got it- and I love it!
Jeep iPhone