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Week 6

The task this week was to edit a small development board by adding an LED and a button. I decided to make something more complicated and I designed my own development board based on ATmega328 instead of ATTiny44. This board can be easily fabricated with modella. More info here: m328 devboard. After soldering all the components it looks like so:


Also I designed some electronics for my robot - main controller based on STM32F103RET6 chip. Both of them couldn't be made on a Modella or even FlexiCAM because of huge number of Vias so I ordered them on a local PCB-factory.

First of all I tried fabmodules and KiCad to design all it but then I understood that Eagle (which I learned in the class after opening FabLab in Moscow) is the best tool for me.

Here is the board with STM32:
