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Week 14

First of all I would like to say that I have made two-node network between ATmega328P and STM32F103 after completing the assigment 10 - I connected my sensor board with main controller. Also I tried to connect Arduino with a Joystick shield, that I borrowed from my friend, to my robot over XBee and made a kind of a remote control for it. Arduino with joystick was powered from USB port. Most interesting part of this assignment was making my robot to be remote controlled by Bluetooth. I had an HC-05 module with an SMD footprint, for which I designed following breakout board:


To control the robot I used my Android phone with "QkCtrl Serial BT" app that I got from Google Play. It allows to create your own controls layout:


After demonstration this phone-controlled robot to my friends most of them were angry on me since it does not works on an iPhone. =)