Academy 2013

Embedded Programming

This weeks assignment was Embedded Programming. Two weeks ago, in Electronics design week , I made a echo hello-world board with a button and a led light. I decided to begin programming that board with a AVR micro-controller and when I was plugging in the ftdi cable it ripped up and the board looked ruined. I wanted to do something so I took my hello.txrx board I made some weeks ago.
This time I plugged the AVR controller in it and I tried to be more gentle with the ftdi cable. I got a green light on the AVR and I opened a Terminal.
Frosti, my teacher, pointed me on an old Fab Academy student called Mercedes Mane

In there I got some great instructions on how to program this step response board.

Here is my echo hello-world board


And here you can see the ftdi plug in ripped off

After I sent the program to the txrx board I took four copper stickers and I soldered them to four wires. Now I ran the program and I got a window with line and numbers, when I touched a copper sticker with another copper sticker, the numbers either went up or down. This was little bit of a victory but I still wanted to see a light go on.

Here is my hello txrx connected to my fab isp

Here are the copper stickers connected to the txrx

At last here is the window showing numbers and the Terminal with codes I used in the background.

After trying out the hello.txrx I really wanted to make my light work so I went into Eagle and fixed my board like Neil told me two weeks ago. I made some lines thicker and changed the Grid so I could move the circuits more from each other.
I cut out the board and soldered it on with a green led light and a button.

Here is the board ready for the milling machine

Now began the most difficult battle of my life, programming the board. I got the hello_blink files on the bottom of this page

I then wrote:

                ~/Desktop/hello_echo$ sudo make -f hello_blink.make

                ~/Desktop/hello_echo$ sudo make -f hello_blink.make program-avrisp2

After that nothing happened. I double checked everything and then I noticed that I wasn't sure which way the led light was suppose to turn. I did some internet research and found a Data sheet for the Led light

there I saw that the little green mark on the led was marked CATHODE. I did some more research and found this picture on Wikipedia that showed my that CATHODE stands for minus and therefor Ground. When I looked at my board I saw that the Led was upside down and I fixed that.

The next thing I did was to send the program again in to the board and see what happened. Again nothing happened and I was thinking about giving up but than I wrote:
               gedit hello_blink.make

This opened a text document for the codes. After that I found a Data sheet for ATTINY44

and saw that Mercedes wasn't using the same pins as me. Also she had two buttons and two lights. I changes the ports in the file to PA7 which was the port I had connected to the led light. I saved it and then I went to the Terminal again and wrote down same commands I did earlier.
And believe it or not, It worked!

Here is my light shining like the sun


Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland