Academy 2013

Molding and Casting



I had a lot of fun this week in Molding and casting. I wanted to make an object with two sides so I decided to make the chess piece knight I used two weeks ago in 3D Scanning and Printing. The molds are lot more accurate than the 3D printer so I was looking forward to see the outcome.

I made the molds in Rhino 4.0. First I had to split my knight in half, I did that by making a plane where I got in Surface and I put it in the center of the knight. Next I went to Mesh, Boolean and clicked on Boolean split. This tool splits the knight in to two pieces on eather side of the plane.

molding_castin1  molding_casting2

Next thing I had to do was to put the knights on top of a box and make an shape on both sides of the box so I could fit them together when I did the casting part. On one of the box the shape would be going up but on the other one it would be cutting in the material. Afterwards I think I would have like to put the shapes on opposite corner insted of next to each other because it would have been more accurate.


Now I exported each half of the knight as an .stl and opened it in a program called Modela Player 4. I learned how to use the program on this website, Making a Wax Mould on the Modela. In Modela Player 4 I set up two processes, the first one was Roughing and the second one was Finishing. Now I just had to wait and see if everything was going fine.
Here are two pictures of the knight when it was still Roughing

molding_casting4 molding_casting5

And here is a picture of the knight after the Finishing


The next thing I had to do was to put two liquids in a cup and then pour them into the mold. These liquids then dry and make a silicone rubber mold. The drying process takes a long time so after I poured the liquids in the wax and left it over night.
These are the liquids


Here is the wax mold filled with silicone


And here are the silicone rubber molds ready



Now I had to use the mold to make a new object. First thing I had to do was to was to make a hole in the silicone rubber so I could pour the something in it. This was something I probably should have done in the computer but with a sharp cutter knife and a drill I made two holes, one bigger for the material and one smaller for air to get out.


We had some Gypsum cement which I used to make a new knight. To get the cement wet I put some water in it, I heard somewhere that the cement should be as thick as an yogurt. When I was satisfied with the thickness of it I got the silicon rubber, first I put some soap in it to make it easier to take the stone knight out and then I put them together and taped the sides so the cement wouldn't leak out on the joins. Next I got a stative and put the silicon on it.
Then I took my cup of wet cement and poured it into the silicon mold. Now I had to wait.

This is what the stative looked like


The first one was not working like I wanted to. The silicon was not totally right so the two sides where offset. Also I didn't put enough cement in it so I didn't get the bottom part. Round two went better, I was more careful when I tapet the silicone and put more cement in the mold. Now I got good looking knight the same size as the original one and the one I printed out in the 3D printer.
Here is the first knight


And here is the knight perfected


Making plastic object

I have tried to use liquit plastic once before and that did not work out, the plastic got stuck on the silicone and it all the air bubbles blew up and destroyed the object. Now I wanted to try that out again for some reason it didn't work out too. I have to ask for some help the next time I try the liquit plastic.

Here is the plastic knight piece stuck in the silicon rubber


I made to much of liquit plastic so I found an old puffin mold and put the remnant in it and that worked out good.

Here is a picture of the puffin



Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland