the idea is to use this assignment to (begin to) solve the programming part of my final project.
that is:
that means i have to:
there are many online tutorials for setting up the raspi (thats short for raspberry pi), the raspbian, the wifi, etc.
the wifi dongle wasn't that simple to set up and took me many hours of "tinkering", i can write about it later.
essentially, the RASPI is an ARM based computer with:
this was the easiest part. but before installing FESTIVAL it is best to update your system:
$ sudo apt-get updatethen you can install FESTIVAL:
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install festival festival-freebsoft-utilsto make it talk, you can give it commands from the linux command line, like this:
$ echo "this fabacademy thing is finally getting to its end"| festival --ttsor you can enter the FESTIVAL enviroment by writing:
$ festivaland then issuing a command as follws:
> (SayText "this fabacademy thing is finally getting to its end")pay attention to upper and lower cases!
The Centre for Speech Technology Research in the University of Edinburgh are the developers of this system, there's a lot of info in their page.
you can see an example in
and see what other speech synthesis solutions exist for Raspi's here:
RPi Text to Speech (Speech Synthesis).
to control the GPIO pins from within PYTHON, you need to import the RPi.GPIO module, like this:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIOnow we can refer top it as just GPIO.
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)to address 12 speakers i will need a 4 bit address, here i will use only 3 bits (can address up to 8 speakers).
GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.IN)where "channel" is the pin number according to the numbering system chosen, and "IN" or "OUT" defines them as inputs or outputs.
GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(channel, state)State can be 0 / GPIO.LOW / False or 1 / GPIO.HIGH / True, for example:
GPIO.output(13, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(11, 1)sets pin 13 AND PIN 11 BOTH to state HIGH (or 1, or true).
to search for tweets you access the twitter API (Application Programming Interface) with the following URL adddress: "searchterm" is the search term you are looking for.
import urllibwill print to the screen the results, as said, in JSON format.
url = ''
print urllib.urlopen(url).read()
import jsonthe printed resulted will be only the "original" tweets that matched the query.
url = ''
response = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
data = json.loads(response)
results = data['results']
print results[0]['text']
this a script that collects all tweets sent to handle (user) @italktothewalls, and looks inside them for a number
between 1-7.
if it finds such a tweet, it prints the tweet to the screen and also sets the GPIO pins to a binary number
that will give the MUX/DEMUX an address to open the corresponding switch.
# italktothewalls installation scriptthe complete script can be found here.
# script adapted from: - APRIL 2013
# Error traps entered due to json hitting web site that was down etc.
# For next added to end of prog to blink LED to show program is running.
# Import the urllib library to read data from webpages
import urllib
# Import the simplejson library to decode the data read from the webpage
import json
# Import the time library for delay and lapse time tracking
import time
CurrentTime = time.time()
# Import the Raspberry Pi GPIO libraries
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# Set-up the GPIO pins
# Clear the current set-up
# Set up the GPIO library to use Raspberry Pi board pin numbers
# Set pin 11, 13, 15 on the GPIO header to be an output
GPIO.setup(11,GPIO.OUT) #00X
GPIO.setup(13,GPIO.OUT) #0X0
GPIO.setup(15,GPIO.OUT) #X00
GPIO.setup(7,GPIO.OUT) #Blinkie LED to let us know the prog is running
# Start with all spkrs OFF
Last_state = "OFF"
Error_hit = 0
print "speakers off. Waiting for Tweet...","\n"
# Function to take Twitter handle (e.g. @Raspberry_Pi) as an argument and return the most recent tweet
# Define the function name and show the arguments
def Latest_Tweet_to_Twitter_Handle(twitter_handle):
# Get the results of a search on Twitter for tweets containing the given handle
Twitter_search_results = urllib.urlopen(""+twitter_handle)
# Decode the data that we got from the webpage to form a list of tweets
result_list = json.loads(
# The function returns the first result in the list
return result_list["results"][0]["text"]
# Main body of the program - Get the latest tweet and check if it contains certain words
# Loop to run forever
#Twitter commands the WALL understands are:
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
#Time since program start in seconds
DeltaTime = int(time.time() - CurrentTime)
# Function gets the latest tweet mentioning the handle given in next line
# START TEST(1): Check if tweet contains the word given in quotation marks
if "1" in Tweet: # and Last_state != "1":
Last_state = "1"
# If it did contain the word then print out the tweet along with a message
print DeltaTime,"seconds:",Tweet," - speaker 1","\n"
# set DEMUX inputs
#---END TEST(1)---
at the time of this weekly assignment the above script worked very nicely.
but i was very sorry to find out that this method doesn't work no more.
TWITTER changed their API from version 1.0 to version 1.1, and the old method of conducting searches has been
DEPRECATED (that's the word for it), and twitter doesn't support it any more.
for the final project i will have to learn the new ways of twitter, see the updated scripts on week 18.