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Covadonga Lorenzo.

Diploma of Architect. ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Advanced Diploma: Cooperation for the Development of Human Settlements in the Third World. ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Master in Architectural Design (MDA). ETSAUN, Universidad de Navarra (UNAV). PhD. ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

Member of the Research Group Drawing & Architecture; Professor of Computer Graphics Laboratory and Architectural Drawing; Researcher at Politecnico di Milano (member of the group Prospettive Architettoniche: conservazione digitale, divulgazione e studio). My interests are related to Graphic Representation in Architecture: Digital Tools and Data Visualization in Architectural Drawing, Digital Fabrication and Virtual Prototyping.

Director of the Advanced Diploma 'Digital Fabrication in Architecture' at the Madrid- based Institute of Technology (EPS) of CEU San Pablo University. The Advanced Diploma takes advantage of the creative potential associated to the combination of virtual design and CNC technology (Computer Numeric Control) which is considered the fourth generation of the application of digital technologies to the field of architecture. This technology is related with the material manufacture of digitally designed models through the use of computer-controlled tools (laser cutter, CNC milling machine, 3D Makerbot and so on) and offers the possibility to read from digital files to create the physical components of the models. In Architecture, should be noted specially, the association of this technology with the development of the parametric design, through which it is possible to digitally generate models whose shapes are defined through parameters that are likely to be modified to each embodiment or singular instance.

Contact: clorenzo@ceu.es/lorenzocovadonga@gmail.com