Juan Carlos Pérez Juidias. Fab Lab Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla
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Imput devices / 27.03.2013

Semana Santa en Sevilla I was afraid this week. Again, programming and integrated circuits. For me, I do not know what a capacitor, resistor or capacitor two months ago is always traumatic practice of the week. The city of Seville stop for Semana Santa completely. Thousands of Nazarenes parade with images of Virgins and Saints at all hours of the day (they dress like the KKK but don't worry, they are another story older and positive). ABC photo So my practice had much less time this week. But we've worked together for practice in the Fab Lab Then, all together, we have ruled problems that happen to us separately. We have tested all the boards, we have compiled on multiple computers, we loaded phyton on multiple computers and we have found that the three plates that we have built have been a success. For starters, we've tried again several ways of doing boards. This time we tested too with Corel Draw, we have vectorized PNG plate and made a silhouette with a design vectorized. The result has been acceptable and the board with light detector is made well. Then we started to put the pieces of the puzzle. Increasingly, we will recognize more pieces and we see better use. Our expertise is increasing every day and, most importantly, we begin to lose their fear of electronics. Following Neil classes and Anna manual steps were: 1.  We manufacture the board 2.  We enter the codes on the boards 3.  With python, load programs and we ensure they are working Problems: One board worked well with the green light from charger but did not recognized either the USB ports. We solved the problem with improved solder pins. For the pressure sensor connections have not been good, and we have connected directly to the pins. Exercise works correctly. Again, Anne manuals are wonderful for us.