Juan Carlos Pérez Juidias. Fab Lab Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla
Electronics design (Feb 27)
For this practice I have collaborated with fellow Fab Lab Sevilla. Instructions Providence Fab Academy have been very important for me. The website is very clear and very instructive. This website has been my main reference in practice.I also followed a Spanish video tutorials that have helped me to understand the web EAGLE TUTOELECTRO http://www.youtube.com/user/Twistx77?feature=watch So, I installed windows EAGLE smoothly and installed the necessary components for practice and libraries that facilitate web-Providence Board Hello Echo and Schematic. I'm a newbie and awkward making boards and as directed by Providence (thanks, thank you very much) have been changing the board with little success, but understanding components previously seemed incredible.After getting a good board, I realized that my partner José Pérez de Lama was much better and it had made the Fab Modules. I decided that maybe he explain how he had the plate and two fresarla help. The plate has been made in the machine IMODELA. The accuracy of 0.1 mm is always an issue and forces us to start over. We changed the suffer of PVC with Plexiglass and improved milling result. We were able to make good quality boards. Whenever we have respect for welding plates, plaques do is something we have not done before to Fab Academy. But our result was good. This is our board.I have a lot to learn This week's assignment is to:•add a button and LED to the echo hello-world board,•check the design rules,•and make it.•Review Neil's class page:http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/electronics_design/index.html