Assignment: Finalize all areas for final project and presentation

For my final project, I worked with my Incite Focus crew to create a ping pong machine and I created the Pan/Tilt aspect of the machine. In order to create my project, I researched pictures and examples of machines and objects that used pan and/or tilt. I received my inspiration from a camera pan and tilt. The program that I used to design my project was CorelDraw and once each piece was designed, was cut entirely from 5 mm acrylic using the lazer cutter.

My final designs for the pieces in Corel Draw (which demonstrates my developed skill of C.A.D.) and lazer printed(above).

Along with designing the pieces for the pan and tilt, I built a Fabduino board in order for it to operate as a machine (demonstrating skill of electronic compilation). The below pictures display the pan and tilt connected to the ball launcher (created and operated by Lumumba Seegars), the built Fabduino board (provided by Neil) and the pan and tilt connected to the slide rail piece of the ping pong machine (created and built by Husani Sallah).

Along with the Fabduino board, I created a code so that the machine will move automatically, taking small movements in order to be able to hold the weight of the ball launcher. Below is a video capturing the movement of the pan and tilt from the code without attachment to the ball launcher and a link to the code that was programmed to the pan/tilt. As shown in the video, the servo operating the tilt is barely moving due to the string tie that is holding it down is not tight enough in holding it down. But both servos are moving successfully (more for panning than tilting) if you listen and watch closely (which displays successful structure of coding and utilizing input of information).

TT Code