Welcome Zach Campbell's Fab Academy site!

Here is a very basic list of the projects I have worked on for Fab Academy

You can follow the links below to get to my projects

Weekly assignments

  1. week 1. Planning for my final project
  2. week 2. Computer Aided design
  3. week 3. Computer controlled cutting
  4. week 4. Embedded programming
  5. week 5. 3D Scanning and printing
  6. week 6. Electronics design
  7. week 7. Computer controlled machining
  8. week 8. Electronics production
  9. week 9. Molding and casting
  10. week 10. Output devices
  11. week 11. Mechanical design & machine design
  12. week 12. Input devices
  13. week 13. Networking and communications
  14. week 14. Interface and application programming
  15. week 15. Wildcard week