Week 8, Electronics Production

This is a contiuation off of week 6 as that was desinging the board, this is actually milling and making it

With that all said and done, I ported the board I made over to MODS and configured it (this picture is in the middle of the process, I would of taken a picture of the end but I forgot and MODS is stupid were it doesn't save or can't read saves so i can't just reload a save)

Here's a Wirepath view of it

With that, I sent the file over to myself (on gmail) and opened it up on the computer connected to the Roland mill (what I used to mill the board).

It took a few tries but I got it to work out in the end, here it is

And after the (headache inducing) process of soldering, I have this!

(it's just running a blink program I made quickly)