Electronics Production

  • Electronics Production
  • Setting up the Circuit

    Using the development board I made in Week 8, I created a circuit that connected an Ultrasonic sensor and an LED. My intentions this week is to use the Ultrasonic sensor to turn off the LED.

    Screenshot of IllustratorMit Mods

    Using the SRM-20 and the Roland Software

    Moving the SRM-20 machine itself, I had to set the origin for the first mill of the traces. I arranged the x/y coordinates to be in the bottom left corner of the taped down FR1 copper clad sheet. I then set the z origin by loosening the collet, dropping the endmill to the copper clad, lowering the z coordinate, pushing on the copper clad only slightly while tightening the collet, and setting the z corrdinate on the computer. I then raised the endmill slightly, and it was ready and positioned to start the cut.

    Endmill ChoicesEndmill 1/32

    SetupSetting origin


    I cut the traces file first, then I had to change the endmill from 1/64 to 1/32 for the edge cut. To change the endmill I used the allen key to loosen the collet and replace the endmill. I then set the z origin the same way I had the previous, but kept the x/y origin the same as the previous cut.

    Milling tracesChanging endmill>

    This cut was unsuccessful and was emergency stopped because the endmill was not fully tightened within the collet, causing the endmill to drag and yell a horrible noise. After tightening the collet I had to restart the machine. This resulted in the loss of orgin coordinates. I tried to guess at the original origin the best I could, but after completing the edge cut I was not satisfied with the messy appearance and jagged cuts.

    Milling edgeMess up

    I restarted the process again, this time making sure that the endmill was secure inside the collet. It was successful on the second try!

    Second millFinal Mill

    Final development board

    Design Links