Introducing Belty
Belty is the newest addition to our ever growing machine family. Belt/conveyor bed system CNC machine. ade from extruded aluminum, Nema motors, an Arduino/CNC shield, an old banner material, some 32mm steel tubes, PLA and ABS filaments. Belty is the first spiral(step) to our ultimate goal of building a conveyor/belt bed 3D printer for use in our Lab. For now Belty will be used to draw on paper and hel us fine-tune the controls and programme for the conveyor/belt system for our next spiral. The mission is to make it possible to print unusally long and large parts. we tried as much as possible to use srap materials available.
Hero Shots

This section talks and shows the construction phase of the project. The 3D designs, 3D prints, Assembly, Programming and Testing.
CAD Designs
These are screenshots of the parts designed using Fusion 360 and Onshape
These are the individual parts of the Z-axis Sub-assenbly that we needed to 3D print

These are the individual parts of the Belt/conveyor(Y-axis) Sub-assembly that we needed to 3D print.

This section shows the 3D printed parts and the assembly of the axes
WE decided to go with the beehive by Quentin for our X-axis. Here are the printouts and assembly.

This is the assembly of the Z-axis designed by one our students.

Frame and Bed(Conveyor)
This is the conveyor/belt bed which is our main focus for this spiral. Below the process for the system design and assembly

Electronics and Programming
Programming and Electronics(wiring)
For the programming details can be found here on this assignment page of this student.

Testing and Debugging