15. Interface and application programming

individual assignment: write an application that interfaces a user with an input and/or output device that you made.

group assignment: compare as many tool options as possible.

Group links to individual task for Max and Antero.

We had three main options. They were obvious because they were known to us beforehand. One option was recommended by Fab Academy as an easy option. The second one represents the general programming language approach. The third one is main stream way to build user interfaces for embedded systems and cars.

  • Processing is easy to use and often used in Fab Academy. It is free and it has a lot of support. it is made to be an easy option. There were interesting videos in YouTube. it is made for beginners bu can also be used in fairly big projects.

  • Python with UI libraries is more flexible but requires more work. Serial libraries are platform independent.

  • QT is industry standard. Originally developed by Trolltech in norway, bought by Nokia for Meego phones and later sold to Digia, it has a long industry history. It is used in cars as UI development tool. Open source version has license restrictions and edu version has no MCU support yet. Full version is not free.

Antero decided to go for Processing because of Fab Academy support / use.