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18. Project development

Task: Project Development Complete your final project tracking your progress.

What tasks are done and what tasks remain?

The tasks that I have completed are the most complicated for me, such as programming or schematics on KiCad. And the tasks that are remaining are just the milling ones, because I prepared all the designs beforehand. So I just need to cut!

What has worked? What hasn’t?

For now the thing that most has worked is my perseverance. Even though I didn’t have any knowledge in these fields at all, I came to a point where at least, I can talk about it.
I think that there are two things that hasn’t worked for me:

  1. Trying to get deep into the information (this is bad because the time is limited)
  2. Not documentating as I go (this is bad because when I want to documentate, some ideas got lost, so I had to go back and study again)

What questions need to be resolved?

Talking by my personal things:

What am I going to do with all this world that just opened in front of me?

The knowledge is vast, and even after fab academy, I know that the time will be limited. I can’t master all of this assignments, but I’m sure that I want to learn the most of them.

What will happen when?

I’m the first that has to present, and I’m not talking only about the day, I’m the first of the firsts. I’m a bit nervous about it. So I know that before this date, I need to finish all my final project, and that’s what I’m going to do!

What have you learned?

Uff, so much things that I learnt, so much adventures that I had, so many good times and bad times as well in this 6 months....
I wish there is a website that can help me to documentate everything that I have done :pogchamp:

The end brought us to the beginning =ยด)

Last update: July 5, 2022