June 15, 2021


Project Developtment

Project Developtment?

Woah here is a page called project developtment that's pretty neat. I'm going to answer some questions on this page otherwise there won't be a whole lot here.

What tasks have been completed, and what remains?

So at present this is complete. However I'm going to write the rest of this from the perspective of where I was the week before the Wednesday presentations. And from that perspective There wasn't nearly enough done. I had designed a couple circuit boards, only one ended up being implemented, I also had given my instructor (Hi Madison!) our list of things to purchase, and Kevin and I had purchased the fishtank that we ended up using as a housing.

What has worked? What hasn't?

As of the Wednesday in question I really didn't have enough done to really say what hadn't worked. However I can say for sure that any concept of timeline or planning did not work at all, like not even a little. The fact that I don't have a lear list of successes and failures as of the Wednesday in question shows a monumental failure,

What questions need to be resolved?

As of now I feel like everything is super cleared up all of the things we want to have implemented is properly implemented. However as of the Wednesday in question there is a similar situation as to my answer of the previous question I wasn't sure what needed to be resolved. I can say that the parts I felt least confident about was using I2C and the form factor of the whole design. Realisticly both parts ended up being alot simpler than I thought they would be and when work finally started getting done.

What will happen when?

To be honest everything got done last minute. While at the time we thought we had a fair set of deadlines set for our selves they got flown over at high speed as we rushed toward the final official deadline.

What have you learned?

I would say the thing that I learned the most was how important time management is. I thought that if I worked hard enough I could manage to just will things into working on a time table that I wanted it to. That was really not the reality of it. Well I guess technically it did becuase the work got done on time which I have to give a testament to Kevin and I's fear of not finishing. I also learned things about digital fabrication but that was more so things that I've learned through the class. This assignment taught me that grit may get the job done, but barely and with anxiety the entire time.