Individual assignment on Laser Cutting
About Laser
Parametric design in freecad using Spreadsheet.
Use of RD works software
Use of laser cutter
About Vinyl Cutter
Laser stand for Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.when atoms of active system of laser medium absorbed energy goes to the excited energy state , after completation of life time it jumped from higher energy level to the ground energy level.during this transition it emit photons by the process of stimulation emission.these photons get applied in resonator,emits Laser light which is highly coherent, monochromatic, intense and unidirection.
In VA we are having CO2 laser which one the powerful laser among all the laser emit laser light in IR region(10.6µ).
Name : SIL Laser Engraving - Cutting Machine
Application: SIL Laser Engraving - Cutting Machine is versatile & finds application in signage, indoor & outdoor advertisement, art & craft, gift, shoes, toys, garments, model cutting, papers & packaging, wood & MDF cutting industry, interior, decorators and many more.
Model NO. |
1325-1318 |
Engraving speed |
0-640000mm/min |
Cutting speed. |
0-30000mm/min |
Laser type |
Co2 DC glass laser tube |
Laser power |
80 Watt |
Positioning Accuracy |
80 Watt |
Processing area |
900 by 600mm |
Working speed |
Adjustable |
Power supply |
AC 220V+ 5%; 50/60Hz |
Format supported |
AI, BMP, PLT, .DXF, DST etc. |
Top cutting precision and positional accuracy
Improved edge quality and surface finish
Strong repeatability
The use of materials not cut by traditional devices
Drilling and engraving in addition to cutting
Negligible workpiece degradation
Minimal thermal stress zone
Cuts of complex shapes
Process to start Laser Machine
Parametric design in freecad using Spreadsheet
Parametric design is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables the expression of parameters and rules that, together, define, encode and clarify the relationship between design intent and design response. Simply if we change any one parameter of design all the parameter are changes with relation of given one.(Wikipedia)
For the parametric design consider the following steps
Step 1. create new parametric spreadsheet
Open freecad, create new document.
Go to start select spreadsheet workbench.
Click on Spreadsheet to create new spreadsheet.
Step2.Create sketcher with spreadsheet
Now goto the workbench select sketcher mode.
Goto window menu select tile, so that you can view Spreadsheet as well as sketch.
Step3.Adding parameters in the Spreadshee
Go to the spread sheet add parameter, enter its required value e,g parameter is l1 and its value is 10.
Right click on value and select property.
Click on alias,write respective parameter name in the box.
Click ok.
Step4.Drawing shape in Sketcher and adding constraints
Before drawing any shape note that applying vertical and horizontal constraint so the position of a shape is fixed on x-y plane.
Go to the sketcher workbench, draw any shape.
Apply constraints like length, width.
Step 5. Draft workbench
Goto start click on draft
Select the sketch with parametric constraint
Goto the file menu.
Click on export, save the file as Autodesk DXF 2D(.dxf)
Note that when you are saving ,system should be connected to internet.
Step6. use RD works Software
Download and open the RD work software.
Goto the file menu and select import .
Select the Dxf file you want to open in RD works.Once the file is opened replicate it in no.
Step7.Set the layer parameters(Speed & power)
Select design you have to cut ,give it proper color default color is black .
Doulble click on cut mode present at right side of the screen with color layer.
Set the layer parameters.
Note that the speed and power for card board (6.9mm)is set as 35mm/s and70% per group assignment.
Make sure that USB port is properly connected with laser cutter other wise it will provide communication error.
Click on download and file will be downloaded in machine..
Step 8.Hands on Laser cutter
This is the monitoring panel of SIL laser cutter.through that we can change different parameters of machine before cutting the materials.
Placed the material on the bed.
Set the origin
Adjust Z axis i.e position of laser head from the material surface.
Select the file in panel. identify the cutting area with frame.
Click on start/ pause button.
Step 9.Different Press fit assembly.

Hero Shot.
About Vinyl Cutter
A vinyl cutter is a type of computer-controlled machine. like a printer controls a nozzle, the computer controls the movement of a sharp blade over the surface of the material. This blade is used to cut out shapes and letters from sheets of thin self-adhesive plastic (vinyl). Our FabLab-0 at Vigyan Ashram, Pabal has Roland Camm-1000. It is used for cutting the vinyl, even plastic film, copper film for electronics PCB design. We had to cut the logo or any design on this machine. This machine tempts you to be creative and adds aesthetics to the product.
Different prats of Vinyl cutter
Control Panel of Vinyl cutter
Creating Logo using Inkscape
In the previous assignment, I had already done a logo image using Inkscape bit map operation.I used the same for the vinyl cutting.
How to used Vinyl Cutter
Switch ON the mains.
Set the parameters for the image to be cut in the mods on desktop PC.
Set the rolls by placing them under the white markings. (There are 3 markings in the machine. This defines the cut area.)
To avoid Weeding (Picking/Cutting what is not needed and leaving that is needed), adjust the blade properly. Be cautious while dealing with the blade as it is very sharp and placed at 45-degree angle.
Load the Vinyl paper or copper film.
Lift the clamp situated at the back side of the machine. This clamp holds the material in its place and allows proper cutting.
Vinyl Cutting Order Flow:
Boot the Desktop terminal using Ubuntu OS.
Open Terminal and use commands
cd Documents to change directory mods & bash mods
Again Open New Terminal and use commands
Cd Documents / http – server
This will open a Window in Google Browser.
Four options will be displayed like Modules, Programs, Edit, Options etc.
Select Program Select cut Select the Photo/Image to be used for vinyl cutting
Check the format of the image (.svg or .png)
Check the Tool Path
Open the Socket by inserting (ttyUSB0)
Calculate the path
Send the File for vinyl cutting.
select properly roll or piece of vinyl paper used for cutting.
Always placed paper on sensor so, machine sense it.
Set the position key according to the cutting size.
Set the origin position from where you want to start the cutting.
Weeding sticker carefully.
Removing and pasting logo sticker
First logo Sticker made with Vinyl cutter
Learning out comes
Understand the characteristics, specification and operation of laser.
Most important things, I have actually used laser for cutting and engraving the objects.
identify the relation between speed & power, calculate kerf its used in press fit
understand how to used Vinyl cutter for cutting logo image.
Freecad File
Logo image
SAMS-Smart Azolla Multiplier System by Anand S. Tale is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0