Project Development
Regarding this last week, I had to review my progress during the whole course and see what is remaining to do. Thus, I will be answering a few question to see the status of my project and the missing parts
What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
FabAcademy is almost over and until now I have completed some tasks during the past weeks which I list next with its link to the assignment.
- I sketched my project idea during the first week of FabAcademy in the following link
- I designed, simulate and animate one configuration of the robot during the Computer-Aided Design week
- Create and test multiple clip version to see what is best for my robot druign the 3D Scanning and Printing week
- Created the main controller of the robot with the neccesary input/outpus during the Electronics Desing week
- During the three following weeks I did not put what I did durign the week assignmente since it was not related to it but I created the accesories for each actuator (servomotor and motor) as well as the accesories to create an spider and a car.
- Later it was time to buil my own board that can control up to 16 servomotors or 12 servomotors and 4 motor. This board was developed and tested duing the Output Devices week
- I created a network between the input, output and main board to show that the robot can interchange information between different protocols during the Networking and Communications week
- I also programmed a first version of the code in Arduino and the interface in Python to communicate between the computer and the robot during Interface and application programming week
- After this week I started modifying the previous codes and the previous design to obtain the final design which can be show in the following page
The general idea of the holders and some of the robots that can be made is shown below:

However, I also have some task to finish with, they are mainly about details but there is an important one about the AxolSpider configuration. Nevertheless, the followign list shows what is missing one week before the end:
- Design and create a box for packing the AxolBot
- Wiring the Axolspider
- Create a connection diagram for the AxolSpider
- Program the basic movements for the AxolSpider
- Document these lasts steps
- Create and compress a new video for the final presentation
- Create the a summary slide about the whole project
Until this point I also have some documentation for the past weeks since I was not able to do some assignment during the week a cause the COVI-19. However, I plan to finish everythign in the coming week before the final presentation.
What is working? What's not?
Regarding this question, everything I have done so far is working. Perhaps, I had some mistakes but at this moment I fixed it or redid it.
What is working?
- Main circuit
- Output board
- Clip and play system
- 3D printing modules for the AxolCar and the AxolSpider
- Program to interface between the computer and the robot
- Program for the AxolCar
- Interface in Python
What's not?
- Box for packing
- Program for the AxolSpider
What questions need to be resolved?
My main concern is about the AxolSpider since I have not tested this configuration and I do not know if the clip and play system will be enough to hold the pieces togheter when a torque is applied by the servomotors. Another aspect that I do not know is that I have not programmed the AxolSpider yet and the results might not be the best because I will not have a lot of time to create the program.
Another question to solve is about the folding and designing process of a cardboard box becasue I have not created one yet. Thus, I will need to investigate, analyze, and create my own depending on the best configuration that I found to put every single module inside the box. Besides this questions everything else is clear and I know what should be done.
What will happen when?
To answer this question I have created a calendar with date to know the progress I will be making during the week until the final presetantion
June/7 | June/8 | June/9 | June/10 | June/11 | June/12 | June/13 | June/14 |
Create plan and see what is missing | Work on the missing assignments | Design the packing for the AxolBot | Create the packing box | Assemble and program AxolSpider | Document AxolSpider | Upload the last video and slide version | Presentation day |
Work on the missing assignments | Search cardboard boxes | Work on the missing assignments | Work on the missing assignments | Upload video of the AxolSpider | Work on the missing assignments | Document the whole final project | Verify everything is correct |
I have not explained every single tasks but I have many documentation to do for the dealy due to COVID-19 and I will work hard durign the next week to finish everything and get graduted from FabAcademy. Waht is clear is that everyday I will work at least 4 hours to catch up wiht my assignments.
What have you learned?
So far, I have learned a lot of new things regarding my project which I list:
- I learned more about Fusion 360 and mainly about the parametric design which I used in my robot
- I increased my knowledge about 3D printing since all the parts were donde in a 3D printer. I have dah the opportunity to fix the machine and also to do a few changes to improve it.
- I discovered ESP32 and its apabilities since it was my first time using it.
- I was able to know more about socket and its use when there is a communication through internet.
- I learned how to design and create a cardboard box to store my robot.
- I got the opportunity to learn how to use eagle from Fusion 360 and I think I became pretty good at it.
- I learned more about the GRBL firmware and how it is comunicating with the step motors since I had to fix the Mini Mill that I have at home.

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