Week 20 - Final Project Requirements
Prepare a summary slide and a one minute video showing its conception, construction, and operation. Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design, additive and subtractive fabrication processes, electronics design and production, embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, system integration and packaging.
CNC Skateboard
An architectural model skatepark that comes to life. Hidden beneath my model is a CNC-style machine that moves a skateboarder across X and Y axis, using acceleration and rotation to create a natural motion.
Final project slide

Final project video
Link to final project page
Final Project
My idea is to make a small model town with a CNC-style machine beneath it. The machine would move a magnet around the town and could move objects such as cars, trains, skateboarders, people mowing their lawn etc. My idea was inspired by three things. This was a great example of simple project well executed.
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