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Some links to nice machines:

Blackboard Becomes Tidy Pen Plotter

Printers are all well and good, but they’re generally limited to smaller paper sizes and use expensive ink. If you instead want to produce art on a larger scale, a plotter can be a great way to go. [tuenhidiy] built a tidy example using an old blackboard as a base.

These days, such a build is quite easily approachable, thanks to the broad DIY CNC and 3D printing communities. The plotter consists of a pair of stepper motors, driven by an off-the-shelf RAMPS 1.4 controller and an Arduino Mega 2560. The motors are mounted at the top corners of the blackboard, and move the pen holder via a pair of toothed belts, counter-weighted for stability. The pen holder itself mounts a simple permanent marker, and uses a servo to push the holder away from the paper for retraction, rather than moving the pen itself. Control of the system is via the Makelangelo firmware, an open-source effort capable of driving a wide variety of CNC motion systems.

Anatomy of a CNC Router

This is the encyclopedic blog post I wish I could have read when I started designing my CNC router

I’ll cover all the components and some of the design considerations you’ll need to keep in mind when desiging your own CNC router.

Simple Core XY Pen Plotter

This is a documentation about how to make a simple Core XY Pen Plotter. As a sample to study about Core XY (and what you need to do in MTM assignments), you can use it.

Last update: March 19, 2021