ss Assignment


illustrations illustrations

WEEK 8 Embedded Programming

Group Assignment

  • compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures
  • This week’s group Assignment is written in here

    Individual Assignment

  • read a microcontroller data sheet
  • program your board to do something,
  • with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible

  • Reading Data Sheet

    Myboard was ATTINY1614, so I downloaded the datasheet from here From the datasheet I could learn such as….

    1.“ATTINY 1614” means… (page.1)
    - 16KB-flash
    - 1-series
    - 4(14pins)

    2.Pinout (page.14)

    3.Pinname (page.14)
    Pin names are of type Pxn, with x being the PORT instance (A, B) and n the pin number. The notation for signals is PORTx_PINn. All pins can be used as event input.
    Ex.PA0 means
    - PORTA
    - Pin number 0

    Debugging My In-circuit Programmer

    Problem1 In-circuit Programmer On week6, I made my in circuit programmer but it didn’t work, so I had to fix the problem at first. I tried the new microscope which my instructor got to find out the error part on my board. As I magnified my in-circuit programmer with it, I could tell that some part of FT230XS was not touched to lead. So I resoldered it then it worked!

    What I found convenient was that I could take the screenshot on the microscope. The following are the screenshots of BEFORE/AFTER resoldering.



    Programming My board

    I was very happy to move on to programming with my own in-circuit programmer.

    There are useful tips to make understanding easier.
    To comment out the specific lines , use the code below.

    (1)if it's single line
    Add // before the line.

    (2)if they are multiple lines
    add /* before the first line
    and add */ after the last line

    Environment Settings

    1.Add Boards Manager URLs from File>Preferences>"Additional Board Managers URLs" text box \ in Arduino.
    2.Add “build.path=C:\Users\natsu\Documents\Arduino\build” in preference.txt
    3.Select “megaTinyCore” from Tool>board>Board manager appropriate COM port from Tool>Port

    Programming Environment 1.pyupdi

    For the first program environment, I tried pyupdi.

    $ cd ~/Documents/Arduino/build
    $ ls
    $ pyupdi -d tiny1614 -c COM4 -b 57600 -f Buttontest.ino.hex

    For Buttontest.ino.hex, I used the program that my instructor Homma-san made in the past.

    Programming Environment 2.Arduino IDE (megaTinycore2.2.9)

    Second, I tried Arduino IDE megaTinycore2.2.9.
    The procedures were as follows.

    1.Install megaTinycore version 2.2.9

    1-1.Select Tools > Boards > Board Manager
    1-2.On board manager window, search for"megaTinycore", then select "2.2.9"from version pull down.
    1-3.Push "Update"

    2.Chose Tools>Programmer>Serial Port and 4.7k(pypi style)

    I added three LEDs on my board, so programmed to make all the LEDs shading depending on the times to push the buttons.
    I could get the same results from two types of programming environment.

    Programming Language 1.Arduino

    First programming language I tried was Arduino Language.

    Test1: To make only one LED blinking.

    Test2: To make all three LEDs blinking in order.

    Programming Language 2.Operating from register

    In this way, I needed to use binary, so I checked the page 137 “16.5.1 Data Direction”of the datasheet to convert pin number to binary from decimal.

    Test1: To make only one LED blinking.

    problem 2 code error

    I wrote like the below firstly and it didn’t work.

    so I checked the datasheet and refer to “16.5.1 Data Direction”

    Then I rewrote my code like this.

      void setup() {
        PORTA.DIR |= 0b00010000;//portA 4 pin(Arduino 0 pin)is OUTPUT
      void loop() {
        PORTA.OUT |= 0b00010000;//portA 4 pin(Arduino 0 pin)is HIGH
        PORTA.OUT &= ~0b00010000;//portA 4 pin(Arduino 0 pin)is LOW

    Test2: To make all three LEDs blinking in order.
      void setup() {
        PORTA.DIR |= 0b00110000;//portA 4 pin(Arduino 0 pin)is OUTPUT
        PORTB.DIR |= 0b00000010;//portB 1 pin(Arduino 6 pin)is OUTPUT
      void loop() {
        PORTA.OUT |= 0b00010000;//portA 4 pin(Arduino 0 pin)is HIGH
        PORTA.OUT &= ~0b00010000;//portA 4 pin(Arduino 0 pin)is LOW
        PORTA.OUT |= 0b00100000;//portA 5 pin(Arduino 1 pin)is HIGH
        PORTA.OUT &= ~0b00100000;//portA 5 pin(Arduino 1 pin)is LOW
        PORTB.OUT |= 0b00000010;//portB 1 pin(Arduino 6 pin)is HIGH
        PORTB.OUT &= ~0b00000010;//portB 1 pin(Arduino 6 pin)is LOW

    I could get the same results from two types of programming Languages. Test1


  • Microscope made debugging much easier and it was fun to use!
  • If I know the way to write code by operating a register, I can make my program shorter and more efficient to speed up the processing time.

  • Files
  • 0320Buttonfading.ino
  • 0320Buttontest.ino
  • 0320test3blink_ArduinoLanguage.ino
  • 0320test3blink_Register.ino
  • 0320testblink_ArduinoLanguage.ino
  • 0320testblink_Register.ino

  • Written by Natsuka Kamei 亀井 夏香