Computer Controlled Cutting

Assignment Requirements:

  • Group Assignment:
  • Individual Assignment:
  • Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate and describe parametric 2D modelling processes.
  • Identify and explain processes involved in using the laser cutter.
  • Develop, evaluate and construct the parametric construction kit.
  • Identify and explain processes involved in using the vinyl cutter.

  • Introduction:

    We are lucky with alumini documentation for both assignments and final projects. My strategy, for each week assignment, is to explore what Fab Academy Alumini did for that week, I always explore more than 10 students' pages from different labs, take notes of what he/she did well in order to get inspired and what he/she did not well in order to avoid.
    For the group assignment; I designed a material test card to specify the power and speed for both cutting and engraving om 3 mm acrylic. Haithem designed a simple comp for determining the kerf value, so it will be useful to be fabricated from tha same material (3mm Acrylic).
    For the individual assignment; I decided to design and fabricate a lamp with leds as a parametric press-fit construction kit, Patrick did a simple and amazing constructive kit that inspired me. Finally, for the vinyl cutting task; I decided to cut stickers for my construction kit.

    Steps in General:

    Steps in Details:

    Step(1): Characterizing the lasercutter's focus, power and speed [Material Test Card]

    Step(2): Characterizing the lasercutter's kerf and joint clearance [Comp Test]

    Step(3): Designing and lasercutting a parametric press-fit construction kit [Lamp]

    Step(4): Vinyl Cutting [Stickers for the kit]

    Finally, I have:

    √ Characterised the lasercutter's focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, and joint clearance.

    √ Documented the work individually and in group.

    √ Designed, lasercutted, and documented a parametric press-fit construction kit.

    √ Cut something on Vinyl Cutter.


    Material Test Card.rar Comp Test.rar Triangle.f3d Circle.f3d Circles&Triangles.rar

    Issues & Solutions:

  • Issue#1: CutStudio does not support/open .DXF files!
  • Solution#1: I used Illustrator to import the .DXF file and then exported it to .ai japanese version.

  • Issue#2: The vinyl cutter did not cut the design well!
  • Solution#1: I increased the force applied to the pin a little bit.

  • Issue#3: It took a lot of time to push all the changes online!
  • Solution#3: I had to revert the previous commit and decrease the images sizes then pushed again.

  • Useful Resources & Aknowledge:

  • Thanks to Fab Academy Alumini Mrehan, Patrick, abdelrahman and Saeed.
  • Thanks a lot to Krisjanis Rijnieks who made useful videos for weeks' assignments at Aalto Fablab.