Hey there, pleasure to meet you!

Always a pleasure to learn

A little bit about myself

This is Ammar Saleh Albreiki, I'm currently 26 years old (27 in 2021), graduating from a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering in Khalifa University, I chose this degree to be able to help people live better lives if and when struck by an unfortunate event.

I am currently enrolled into a Masters in International Business program to be able to learn how does the business world works and hoping to sell any of my future ideas to the public.

I also have a knack for drawing arts, I started traditional but then moved to digital to be able to make use of the numerous softwares available to be able to draw my ideas unto a shareable platform.

A couple of recent drawings

Why I joined Fablab?

Though I was introduced to this under short notice, I was intrigued by the different manufacturing techniques it provides, which I'd hope to make use of to further develop my skills as an engineer.

I hope to learn many things from this experience which would give me the confidence to secure a job in the near future.